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Merry texts

“Merry” Texts are psychologically antonymous to “sad” texts. Texts that may be considered “merry” by their emotional and semantic dominant tell the reader about four friends, a woman and an animal chasing on high speed and in ‘heat’ for ‘money’. The main idea of such texts is: “We are the winners in all life games”. The predominant emotion is ‘happiness’. The events depicted in “merry” texts take place in different countries and the main hero is always in ‘high spirits’ and has ‘enormous plans’, is very ‘strong’, ‘talkative’ and ‘friendly’. The main semantic components of “merry” texts are ‘together’, ‘friends’, ‘luck’, ‘gangsters’, ‘traveling’, ‘sing’, ‘flight’, ‘a lot of money’, ‘erudition’, ‘physical strength’, et al. and reveal the consciousness of a hypermaniac person.

Manic states

Psychiatry Language
high moods together, merry, cheerful, gay, happy,
Friends, girls
Spies, criminals, mafia
High verbal activity“fuga idearum” Being talkative, singing, musical comedies
Physical strength 3 or 4 men & woman & an animal are travelling in search of money, managing to escape from bandits, and to win.
polypragmazia, high activity quickly, soon after, high speed (movie “Speed)
the feeling of broadening of the chest flying, climbing, birds, airplanes, balloons
Unstable attention: different topics, erudition of the main hero


Adventurous and detective stories, or comedies (“Someone Likes it Hot” with M.Monroe starring)

Literary fairy tales like “Baron Munchhausen” (Rudolph Eric Raspe), “Winnie-the-Pooh” (A.A. Milne), and “Karlsson on the Roof” (Astrid Lindgren).

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