Dark texts
Dark texts («тёмные») may be considered the manifestation of the Picture of the World of the world of a person who may experience twilight state or similar conditions which may be caused or not caused by epilepsy as a neurological disorder referred to as “epileptoid” in Russian psychiatry (Ганнушкин П.Б.).
The emotional and semantic dominant of “dark” texts is manifested in a prototypical plot of literary text which may be as follows: an ordinary but energetic hero is fighting against clever and thus dangerous enemy.
In “Dark” texts the words related to the following linguistic markers are more frequently met than in other types of texts: ‘double’, ‘darkness’, ‘anguish’, ‘laughter’, ‘falling down’, ‘water’, ‘unpleasant smell’, ‘body, ‘height’, ‘size’, etc.
Назад к описанию Психотезауруса
Psychology, psychological help, psychotherapy, registered psychotherapist, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, MVA, anger management, online therapy, consulting, Canada, Toronto, Russian, Психология, психологическая помощь, психотерапия, психотерапевт, депрессия, тревожность, панические атаки , проявление гнева, насилие, консультирование, коучинг, скайп, онлайн, Канада, Торонто, русский язык, английский язык, когнитивная терапия, НЛП, медитация, психолингвистика.