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Psychological counseling

Psychological counseling is and “interaction with a client to explore and offer direct advice about affective, cognitive, or behavioral problems and to reach solutions”.

(APA Dictionary of Psychology)

Dark texts

Dark texts («тёмные») may be considered the manifestation of the Picture of the World of the world of a person who may experience twilight state or similar conditions which may be caused or not caused by epilepsy as a neurological disorder referred to as “epileptoid” in Russian psychiatry (Ганнушкин П.Б.). Read more

“Beautiful” texts

“Beautiful” texts are based on the manifestation of the picture of the world of a person who may have Mental Health Status resembling Histrionic Personality Disorder (Personality Disorders – Cluster B) characterized by pervasive and excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behavior (DSM-5, 2013, p. 667).

“Beautiful” texts have such language markers as ‘color’, ‘appearance of a person’, ‘gestures’, ‘speech’, ‘feelings and emotions’, ‘humiliations and sufferings’, ‘relatives’, ‘comparison with an animal’, ‘inside a house’, etc.


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