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If you do not have extended health benefits,

you may find this information useful:

Registered Psychotherapists are recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency in Ontario as medical practitioners for the purposes of the medical expense tax credit.
The information is on the CRA website (page 5) under letter “R” : Registered psychotherapist

It is also said that “an individual may claim the amount by which the eligible medical expenses in respect of the above listed people exceeds the lesser of the following two amounts:
– a fixed amount; and
– 3% of the individual’s net income for the year”

information updated April 20, 2022

Psychology, psychological help, psychotherapy, registered psychotherapist, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, MVA, anger management, online therapy, consulting, Canada, Toronto, Russian, Психология, психологическая помощь, психотерапия, психотерапевт, депрессия, тревожность, панические атаки , проявление гнева, насилие, консультирование, коучинг, скайп, онлайн, Канада, Торонто, русский язык, английский язык, когнитивная терапия, НЛП, медитация, психолингвистика.