
About me
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About me
I have degrees in Psycholinguistics and in Psychology of Personality. I wrote nine books and authored and co-authored numerous researches and expertise.


Profiling is the recording and analysis of a person’s psychological and behavioral characteristics, so as to assess or predict their capabilities in a certain sphere or to assist in identifying a particular subgroup of people.
I know how to do criminal profiling based on the written text. I can tell some things that are not visible to others based on what someone wrote.
If you want to know about somebody more than they tell about themselves – that is where I can help.
If you send me a text (file or scan) – And then I will tell you what I learned from the text about the author. Evaluation is free. It will take me 20 minutes just to get an idea about what you want. Then I will write you a letter with some questions or will send you a form to answer.
All the information is confidential.


Types of job FEES
minimum maximum
One page of Report $ 15 CAD
Report (usually 6 pages, but it may be from 1 to 15 pages if needed) $ 25 CAD $ 250 CAD
Time line 4 hours 12 days

Here are examples of some of expertises I did:

Area of expertise My Title Questions asked
Communication Analysis & Deception “A little bit of Tears” Why did she cry for 20 seconds?
Communication Analysis; Optimizing “Involvement in Cult” Help me to save my child, please.
Environment Analysis; Profiling “Doctor’s Office” Who owns this office?
Text Analysis; Hatred “Old Times” Is he a threat to the State?
Text Analysis; Manipulation “Cult Documents” Do they pose a danger to society?
“MLS Agreement” What is behind the good intentions?
Text Analysis; Pornography “Mid-term Trip” Should this book be prohibited?
Text Analysis; Possible Threat “I am a Pirate” Who kidnapped the child?
“Warm Country” Is he a nice person or a stalker?
“Good Morning” What stands behind his messages?
“I may use Hydrochloric Acid” Who said this? Is this threat credible?
“I will Blow up your Store” Who said this? Is this threat credible?
“I will Sue you” What does this person know about me?
“Nonviolent Resistance” Is the author a threat to the State?
Text Analysis; Suicide note “My Sun” Was the writer thrown out of the window or was it a suicide?
Text Analysis; Enhancement “Rewarding our Workers” How to encourage our workers in a better way?
“Electing the Governor” Help me to win the race for the Governor’s post.
Text Analysis; Plagiarism “Verses about a Cat” Who wrote the verses first, and who stole the idea?
Text Analysis; Profiling “Lizard” What does this person know about us? Is he a mole?
“A Female Politician” Can she win the race?
“A Found Manuscript” Who is the author of this manuscript?
“Let us Get Dirty” Is this the person she claims to be?
“10 000 words” How productive is this person?
Trademark similarity “Medication -ap/-am” Will a customer see the difference?
“Medication Fez- / Fen-” Will a customer see the difference?
“Medication: One letter difference” Will a customer see the difference?

Contact me
For questions and inquiries you can email me or use the form below.