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How to get ready for the session

So you have scheduled a session with me and you are  a bit anxious. Your anxiety can be reduced if you start preparing for the session.


  1. Try to  recall your first initial request, the main problem that brought you in therapy. Has it changed? How? Has it been solved and new issues are on the horizon? You may start the session with reminding the therapist what was you main problem and what it is NOW.
  2. Try to use a systematic approach:
    1. Recall two achievements you have made since the last session.
    2. Tell about two problems that you want to solve during the sessions. Try to describe them in 4-5 sentences and in one word.
  3. Try to formulate the two questions that you have for the session, two issues that you want to discuss. Try to be specific
    1. How to get more organised?  How to deal with procrastination when instead of doing this important thins i am doing this.
    2. How to become less anxious? How to deal with situations when I think I am rejected
    3. etc.
  4. It may be a good idea to make some notes, to put them on paper and have in front of you during the session
  5. tell about two problems that you want to solve during the sessions. Try to describe them in 4-5 sentences and in one word.


  • Please test your device and internet connection and make sure you will be online during the session
  • Please make sure that there is no one in the room and I can have your full attention.

I will be waiting for you.

Psychology, psychological help, psychotherapy, registered psychotherapist, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, MVA, anger management, online therapy, consulting, Canada, Toronto, Russian, Психология, психологическая помощь, психотерапия, психотерапевт, депрессия, тревожность, панические атаки , проявление гнева, насилие, консультирование, коучинг, скайп, онлайн, Канада, Торонто, русский язык, английский язык, когнитивная терапия, НЛП, медитация, психолингвистика.