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Author of the anonymous article

Who is the author of the anonymous article? The NY Times has published an anonymous article with the view on what is going on in Trump’s administration.

I believe that the author is a woman. The keys are: half-baked, there are adults in the room (I hear the words of a mom), whims. This person is pretty decisive (five dashes). The author does not want to argue (“but” is used less than “and”), is looking for actions (actions are mentioned 4 times). The author is intelligent (“mind” is used 4 times), is not impulsive. The author knows a lot about Russia (5 mentions). Humanitarian education.

Definitely the texts could have been edited by  a woman, or she could have participated in the composing of the letter. And certainly the text could have been written by several people.

Anyways (even if the author was collective) the author is troubled by the situation in the administration and wants more predictability – and possibly more strong power. But these are my assumptions.

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